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Tessa Scheller is out talking with community members in Warrenton, Clatsop Plains, Gearhart, and Seaside. She hears what they love about Clatsop County and their concerns. Based on those conversations, she has set the following priorities if elected as Clatsop County Commissioner.

  • Retaining and building affordable housing for workers and families

  • Responsibly planning development, while protecting working farms and forests, lakes, rivers. and drinking water.

  • Promoting improvements to Highway 101 to mitigate traffic and increase safety.

  • Preparing for disasters and resiliency to fires, floods, earthquakes, and tsunamis.

“Like you, I treasure our cultural heritage, rivers, forests, beaches, our families, and community institutions. Together, we can build a more sustainable and supportive community for today and for generations to come.

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PO Box 211

Astoria, OR  97103

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